The Cambridge medieval history : the Christian Roman empire and the foundation of the teutonic kingdoms - Cambridge : University Press, 1957. - 754 páginas folding maps. - The Cambridge Medieval History ; 1 .

It contains maps : 1. Roman Empire. Eastern division. -- 2. Roman Empire. Western division. -- 3. Asia (fhysical). -- 4. The Empire in 311. -- 5. Approximate numbers of the bishops present at Nicaea. -- 6. Constantinople. -- 7. The Euphrates Frontier. -- 8. The Eastern Patriarchates after 451. -- 9. The Teutonic Tribes in the lst and 4th Centuries A.D. -- 10. The Visigothic Kingdom. 11. Gaul in the 5th Century. 12. Italy under the Ostrogoths. -- 13. Roman Britain. 14. The Balkan Peninsula in the 4th and 5th Centuries.

Historia Medieval

Gran Bretaña

Imperio Romano